Maries, the green landscape and the view of the Ionian sea will impress you
Maries are about 20 km from the city and have 367 inhabitants. For the name of the village there is a popular tradition that takes us back to the early Christian years. According to that tradition, after Christ's Crucifixion Mary Magdalene and Mary the Thief head to Rome to accuse Pilate to Tiberius of Christ's unjust death. The two Marys achieved the condemnation of the high priests and Pilate. On their way back they fell into a storm and ran aground on the western coast of Zakynthos at a place called Bromi, they left their boat and went ashore. There, on a rock, Mary Magdalene left her footprint. The footprint was clearly visible for many years, until the faithful began to take pieces of the rock to make amulets, and today it is not very visible. They then went up to the village, preached Christianity to the inhabitants and laid the first stone to build the first Christian Church. This Church took the name of Mary Magdalene and the village took its name (Maries) from the two Marys. This Church, according to tradition, was never demolished. It has only changed template 8 times.
North-west of the village of Maries, at the site of Palianemomilos, almost a kilometer from the village, five or six graves can be seen, "cases" (a prehistoric cemetery that has not yet been excavated) carved into the western side of soft rock. They are covered with slabs that have become one with the rock over time
. The inhabitants are mainly Farmers and Livestock Breeders. In recent years, following the example of the entire island, they have been engaged in tourism.
A few kilometers from the village is Porto Vromi beach. A small beach with white pebbles and crystal clear waters. There one can rent water bikes, to explore the surrounding caves and see up close the head of Poseidon, a wonderful creation of nature. Also, boats for the Shipwreck depart from here.